Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Conversation Between CollegeHumor Staff

I wrote this myself, although, in the spirit of CollegeHumor's "found" Facebook material, I'm gonna go ahead and pretend that this is an actual transcript between real people. The names have obviously been removed to protect the stupid...although I guess the intern character, in spirit, would be me...so yeah, we'll go with stupid.

HACK 1: Yeah, so I've got an idea for a column.

HACK 2: Oh yeah?

HACK 1: Basically, it's gonna be a lot of cliches about sex and drinking, with the occasional 1980s pop culture reference thrown in for no good reason.

HACK 2: Well, if Family Guy has taught us anything, that's comedy!

INTERN: Hey, I've got an idea for my first article, huh?

HACK 1: Oh yeah?

INTERN: I'm going to write a satirical piece about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's reaction to American students' tendencies to use social networking sites in a misguided attempt at bringing about social change.

HACK 2: What the fuck are you talking about?

INTERN: You know, I want to use comedy to make a statement about meaningful events. Haven't you ever listened to Bill Hicks?

HACK 1: Who?

INTERN: Bill Hicks, American comedian, died of cancer at a young age?

HACK 2: Oh, you mean that new Judd Apatow movie, the one with Adam Sandler?

INTERN: No, I'm not talking about another one of his movies which says absolutely nothing and has the same fucking actors in every fucking one of them! Including his annoying fucking wife and his stupid fucking kids! Bill Hicks!?!? The dark poet!?!? Randy-Pan the Goat Boy!?!?

HACK 1: Never heard of him.

HACK 2: Me neither.

INTERN: So, is my column idea any good?

HACK 1: Well, I like the general idea of social networking sites, our highly intelligent readers can relate to those.

HACK 2: Yeah, make it a Facebook page for a box of condoms!

HACK 1: And throw in some references to Tetris!

HACK 2: And Paperboy!

INTERN: What about Ahmadinejad?

HACKS 1 & 2: Who?

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